The Unexpected Millionaire Student

The Unexpected Millionaire Student

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People often spend their entire lives trying to amass wealth, using every trick in the book, sometimes even risking their health and comfort. But did you know there was a girl who woke up one morning and found that $770,000 landed in her account without having started any business?

Have you ever wondered how such a large sum could appear in someone’s account? In this article, we’ll tell you whether this wealth was always hers or if there’s another story hidden behind it.

 The Unexpected Windfall

They say that poverty first makes the poor faint, and when they suddenly come into money, they faint because of the wealth. This girl was just like that. Her name is Mick Dick, a student trying to complete her degree at a school. She couldn’t understand how such a large sum appeared in her account and what she should do with it.

Before receiving this money, Mick Dick was so constrained by poverty that her college issued her a financial aid card, meaning she could use this card to buy food or necessary items. One morning, she woke up to check if her financial aid money had been deposited into her account. To her shock and confusion, she found $770,000 in her account.

Note that this girl received the money in South African Rand currency, but we’ve converted it to US dollars for our viewers’ convenience.

 The Temptation and Spending Spree

At first, she thought it must be a clerical mistake showing such a large amount in her account. She considered contacting the Student Financial Aid Office to look into the matter. But then, as they say, wealth can make even the most sensible people greedy, and few can maintain their composure. She thought this was free money that she should use.

Her mind started racing with thoughts of what she should buy first. For a student who had been living on financial aid, having such a large sum in her account was bound to be mind-boggling.

She reasoned that the financial aid card was for life’s necessities, and she couldn’t spend it on luxuries. So she came up with the idea of finding a place where she could convert the card to cash and then buy things of her choice, like clothes or other items.

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She found a shop where she could convert the card to cash. She bought clothes, an iPhone, and even planned a luxury tour to watch horse racing in Durban, purchasing an expensive ticket for it.

 The Lavish Lifestyle

Mick spent so extravagantly that she arranged a party with DJs for herself and her friends, where high-quality drinks were provided. She threw a party for her cousins’ birthdays and even hosted a baby shower party for a friend’s baby.

Mick became so extravagant that she didn’t just spend on herself; she splurged on her friends too, buying them clothes and iPhones. She started going to college in such a grand style as if she were a big celebrity.

Due to poverty, she had always wished to live a royal life but was constrained by her circumstances and couldn’t spend on herself. Now that she had the opportunity, with so much money in her account, she could live a life of luxury for her entire life.

She became so enamored with wealth that she started reading accounting books while sitting in the college library.

The Downfall

She had been living this lavish lifestyle for more than two and a half months, still buying good clothes, visiting nice places, and treating her friends. She was spending about $602 daily from the money in her account, spending fearlessly.

As they say, if you haven’t earned money with your own hands, you spend it without fear and don’t care about keeping accounts. The same happened with Mick. She went to a local store, used her card for shopping, and forgot to take the receipt that showed how much money was left in her financial aid account. The cashier saw this.

The cashier was shocked to see $730,000 in a student’s account because it was a financial aid card issued to students who can’t afford their expenses.

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Confused and worried, the cashier took a picture of Mick’s receipt and posted it on social media. Now, witness the power of social media – as soon as it was posted, it went viral. People were shocked to see such a large amount in a financial aid account.

The Consequences

People from Mick’s college also saw this post and were surprised that Mick was on financial aid but living a royal life contrary to that. They were also worried about how such a large sum came into her account, wondering if she had made some deal or something else.

A college student reported this post to the university administration, and they sought police help for investigation. The police took Mick into custody to interrogate her about how such a large sum came into her account. The police presented her in court and charged her with fraud and theft. In light of these charges, the court sentenced Mick to five years in prison. But Mick wasn’t one to remain silent; she appealed against this sentence, and it was suspended.

When her sentence was suspended, she was ordered to perform community service duties and also to receive counseling from the relevant institution.

You’ll be surprised to know that before this sentence, Mick was so extravagant that she had spent more than $40,000 out of the $770,000. And fortunately for her, the court didn’t order her to return the spent money.

Morally and legally, Mick should have contacted bank officials or law enforcement agencies about the money that came into her account. This way, she could have avoided any trouble, and whoever this large sum belonged to wouldn’t have been worried. But she didn’t do this and instead used this money as free wealth to end her poverty and live a life of luxury.

If such a large sum came into your account, what would you do? Do let us know in the comments box.

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Cautionary tale, Consequences, Financial aid, Financial literacy, Lavish lifestyle, Money management, Personal finance, Spending spree, Student life, Unexpected wealth

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